Redacting Content

You can use the Redact Tool to help you find personally identifiable information (PII) in inaccessible areas of the PolicyTech database. These areas would typically not contain PII, but PolicyTech makes no determination of what is or is not PII. You can search these areas that could possibly contain PII and make that determination for yourself. You select a specific data type and the text you want to search for, and then the tool finds and replaces matching text with generic text that is not personally identifiable.

Important: Be aware that the Redact Tool is destructive and use it with extreme caution. Redacted data cannot be restored and may break audit trails and reports.

Redact Content

  1. Click Settings & Tools > Tools, and then click Redact Tool.
  2. For Search, select a data type, and then click OK.

  3. In the Find box, type part or all the text you need to find, and then click .
  4. For the data value you want to redact, click .
  5. In the Details pane, confirm this is the information you need to redact.
  6. Click Redact, and then click Confirm.

    The data value is shown in the Results field with the redaction text in place of the original value. The redaction text is in the following format: Redacted by User [unique PolicyTech-generated user ID] on [date]